Photojournalism Division
Star Ratings Processing
Photojournalism Division Title Search

This page enables a Photojournalism Division Star Ratings Director to search the database for acceptances having a specified title or a pattern of titles.

A wild card search will be performed if "%" is placed at the begining, emd or both of any title, given name or surname. It is best to enter at least 3 letters when using the wildcard. The more letters used in a search, the more precise the results will be.

Reverse name searches may also be performed, in conjunction with the specified title, using either the given name, the surname or both.

It is permissible to intermix upper and lower case letters.

As experience is gained in using the varied wildcard capabilities of this tool, the greater will be the appreciation of its power and versatility.

Enter the acceptance title:
Enter applicant's given name(s):
Enter applicant's surname(s):